Sunday, October 12, 2008

Santa's Helper!

Big Daddy brought me a gift from the Wynn - This Elf Outfit! I look adorable in it even though the hat is a little much. He also brought me an Anne Geddes Baby Doll to match my dress. Nana came over and I tried it on. My mommy even said I might wear it to my First Birthday Party - without the hat it looks like a princess dress.

On another note - I am very close to walking. I am so active - it's hard for me to go to sleep at night! I love to throw my head back and fall into the covers like a drunk person. My GrandBud calls me Virgil because I remind him of an old friend of his that was bad to drink! I think its funny so I continue to throw myself around on the bed just to get attention. I love attention, by the way!

Ain't Life Grand?

Mommy and Daddy took me to the Grand Hotel in Point Clear and I had such a great time! Every day at 4 pm we marched in a parade and watched some men dressed as soldiers shoot a cannon! I wasn't even afraid of the loud noise. My favorite part was when Daddy got a bicycle with a baby seat in the back and the three of us rode bikes around the hotel grounds. We were such dweebs, but I loved it! We also went to the pool, but the Love Bugs are so bad down there, they flew in my mouth, so we didn't stay long.
One night, Mom and Dad took me to the Wash House to eat (Robert Yarborough's restaurant). It was delicious even though we were there at 5:30 for the Early Bird Special. We always go to eat early in order to avoid me having a melt down. Later that night, I got sick, so Mommy brought me home on Friday - Pooh! All in all, I had a wonderful time. I really love to travel! I was even good in the car while I was not feeling well.